Las Vegas Leading Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

Top-Rated Legal Representation For Spinal Cord Trauma Victims In Las Vegas

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Reach Out To Us If You’ve Experienced A Back Injury In Las Vegas

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries

The Devastating Consequences Of Back Trauma

Spinal injuries can have profound and life-altering consequences for those affected. Often resulting from traumatic accidents, they leave victims facing a range of physical and neurological challenges. The spinal cord plays a crucial role in transmitting signals between the brain and the body, and any damage can lead to paralysis, loss of sensation, and diminished motor function. Coping with the aftermath of such injuries requires extensive medical care, rehabilitation, and emotional support. If you or a loved one has suffered such an injury due to negligence, contact our Las Vegas Premier Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers, we are here to provide expert legal representation and seek the compensation you deserve.

Understanding Back Injuries
  • Partial or complete Paralysis can impact mobility and independence
  • Altered or Loss of Sensation in various parts of the body
  • Impaired Motor Function increase difficulty in walking of grabing objects
  • Chronic Pain can be physically and emotionally debilitating
  • Respiratory Problems may need assistive devices like ventilators
  • Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction, requiring management and care
  • Emotional and Psychological Impact such as depression, anxiety, and adjustment issues

What Is Considered A Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury?

It is typically defined as damage to the spinal cord, which resulted from a sudden, violent incident such as a car accident, fall, sports-related injury, or act of violence. These injuries can cause significant neurological impairment, affecting an individual’s motor and sensory functions below the injury. These kinds of injuries often lead to partial or complete paralysis and may necessitate extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care to address the resulting physical and functional limitations.

Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury In Las Vegas
Common Types Of Spinal Cord Injuries In Las Vegas

What Are The Types Of Spinal Cord Injuries?

Recognizing the signs of a spinal cord injury is crucial for prompt medical intervention. These signs may manifest as a loss of sensation, muscle weakness, or motor function in specific body parts. Additional indicators include a loss of bowel or bladder control, severe pain or pressure in the neck, back, or head, breathing difficulties, and changes in muscle spasms or reflexes. If you or someone you know experiences any of these symptoms, immediate medical attention is essential. Early intervention may have a significant impact on the outcome and treatment of such injuries.

  • Quadriplegia: Affects all four limbs.
  • Paraplegia: Affects lower limbs.
  • Tetraplegia: Affects all four limbs, often involving the neck.
  • Triplegia: Affects three limbs, typically one arm and both legs.
  • Hemiplegia: Affects one side of the body.

What Are The Signs Of A Spinal Cord Injury?

Recognizing the signs of a spinal cord injury is crucial for prompt medical intervention. These signs may manifest as a loss of sensation, muscle weakness, or motor function in specific body parts. Additional indicators include a loss of bowel or bladder control, severe pain or pressure in the neck, back, or head, breathing difficulties, and changes in muscle spasms or reflexes. If you or someone experiences any of these symptoms, immediate medical attention is essential. Early intervention can have a significant impact on the outcome and treatment of spinal cord injuries.

Man Showing Signs Of A Spinal Cord Injury In Las Vegas

Common Causes Of Back Injury Lawsuits

Here Are Several Scenarios In Which A Spine Injury Lawsuit May Originate:

  • Car Accidents

    Spinal injuries often result from high-impact collisions, affecting victims’ mobility and quality of life. Legal action may be necessary to secure compensation for medical costs and suffering.

  • Motorcycle Crashes

    Motorcycle accidents frequently result in severe spinal injuries due to the lack of protection. Legal recourse can aid in obtaining compensation for the long-term consequences.

  • Truck Accidents

    Collisions involving large trucks can cause catastrophic spinal injuries. Legal action may be essential to secure compensation for victims facing extensive medical bills and rehabilitation.

  • Bicycle Accidents

    Bicycle accidents can result in spinal trauma. Pursuing a lawsuit can aid injured cyclists in obtaining financial recovery for their injuries and related expenses.

  • Slip & Fall Accidents

    Slip and fall incidents can lead to spinal injuries, especially in older adults. Pursuing a lawsuit may help cover medical expenses and address negligence.

  • Falling From An Elevated Surface

    Falls from heights can cause spinal injuries, necessitating legal action to hold responsible parties accountable and ensure financial support for recovery.

  • Product Liability

    Defective products can lead to spinal injuries. Product liability lawsuits can help victims seek compensation and encourage safer product designs and manufacturing.

  • Workplace Injuries

    Spinal injuries in the workplace can be severe, impacting a person’s livelihood. Workers’ compensation claims or personal injury lawsuits may be necessary for recovery.

Determining Negligence In Your Spinal Cord Injury Case

Identifying The Cause That Lead To Your Spinal Cord Injury

Identifying the cause that led to your back injury is a critical step in determining negligence in your case. Whether it was a car accident, a slip and fall, a workplace incident, or any other scenario, understanding the responsible party’s actions or lack thereof is essential. Gathering evidence and seeking legal counsel can help establish liability and pursue compensation for your injuries and related damages.

What Causes Spinal Cord Injuries
Liability In Spinal Cord Injury Cases In Las Vegas

Liability Is Of Paramount Importance

Liability takes center stage in any injury case. Establishing who is responsible for the accident or incident that caused the injury is paramount. Thorough investigation and evidence collection are vital to proving negligence. By identifying the liable party, you can pursue legal action to seek compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and the profound impact of your injury on your life.

Pursuing The Right Compensation For Your Spinal Cord Injury Case

In a vertebral trauma case, pursuing the right compensation is essential. These injuries often lead to significant medical expenses, ongoing rehabilitation, and life-altering changes. Working with experienced attorneys can help ensure you receive compensation that covers all aspects of your injury, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future care needs. Your legal team will fight for your rights and a fair settlement to support your recovery and well-being.

Get Compensation For Your Spinal Cord Injury Case In Las Vegas

Damages You May Claim Following A Spinal Cord Injury

Emergency Room Treatment In Las Vegas

Emergency Room

Immediate medical care following an accident is crucial. Claiming damages for emergency room treatment can cover initial assessment, stabilization, and diagnostic procedures.

Medical Expenses In Las Vegas

Medical Expenses

This category encompasses ongoing medical costs, such as surgeries, hospital stays, doctor visits, medications, and therapy sessions, essential for recovery and quality of life.

Rehabilitative Care

Rehabilitative Care

Spinal cord injuries often require extensive rehabilitation, including physical and occupational therapy. Pursuing damages for rehabilitative care ensures comprehensive recovery efforts.

Compensation For Future Medical Care

Anticipated Future
Medical Care

Long-term care plans for trauma on your vertebrae nerves may involve surgeries, therapies, and assistive devices. Claiming anticipated future medical care can provide financial security for ongoing treatment.

Lost Past And Future Wages

Past & Future
Lost Wages

Compensation for past and future lost wages aims to alleviate the financial burden resulting from the inability to work due to the injury.

Reduced Earning Capacity

Earning Potential

Spinal cord injuries may reduce an individual’s earning capacity. Pursuing damages for diminished earning potential helps secure financial stability for the future.

Compensation For Pain And Suffering

Pain & Suffering

Damages for pain and suffering account for the physical and emotional distress caused by the injury, addressing the intangible toll it takes on the victim’s life.

Emotional Distress

Emotional Distress

Most injuries can lead to emotional trauma. Seeking compensation for emotional distress acknowledges the psychological impact on the injured individual.

Recover Damages For Permanent Impairment


Compensation for permanent impairment recognizes the lifelong challenges and limitations resulting from a spinal cord injury, ensuring adequate support for the injured party.

Recover Damages For Reduced Quality Of Life

Quality Of Life

Spinal cord damage often diminishes one’s quality of life. Pursuing damages for reduced quality of life addresses the profound impact on daily activities and overall well-being.

Wrongful Death Compensation In Las Vegas

Wrongful Death

In cases where a spinal cord injury leads to death, seeking wrongful death damages can help the surviving family members cover funeral expenses, lost financial support, and emotional suffering.

Why Choose Benson & Bingham As Your Injury Attorneys In Las Vegas?

Cost-Effective Legal Representation For Spine Injury Cases

At Benson & Bingham, we understand the financial strain an injury can bring. Our commitment to cost-effective legal solutions ensures that you receive exceptional representation without adding to your financial burdens.

Spinal Cord Injury Law Firm With A Proven Track Record Of Success

When it comes to injury cases, our law firm boasts a strong track record of successful outcomes. Our experienced attorneys have consistently secured favorable results, providing clients with the assurance of effective representation.

Over $500 Million Total Recovered For Our Clients

With over $500 million successfully recovered for our clients, Benson & Bingham has a history of securing substantial compensation. This impressive track record underscores our dedication to achieving the best possible outcomes for those we represent.

Client Testimonials

Spinal Cord Injury Law FirmIn Las Vegas With 5-Star Rated Reviews

I suggest using Benson & Bingham if you’re in need of an injury accident attorney! They have an amazing staff and made the entire process easy and stress free handling my case with compassion and a remedy of great efficacy!

Brandy Eliott ★★★★★

I picked this place and I’m so glad that I did. Ida was very helpful and professional. If I had questions they were answered. I would definitely use them again in the future and I would definitely recommend them to anyone. Thank you for your service I appreciate it.

Charissa Vanblerkom ★★★★★

What I love about Benson & Bingham, especially from my attorney, Lina, I felt informed and cared for my health. She made sure I was ok at all times through my injury. I hate I had the accident, but it was comforting to know I was well taken care of.

Sandra Burke ★★★★★

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Map Location Of Personal Injury Law Office In Las Vegas
626 S 10th St
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Benson & Bingham Accident Injury Lawyers has a variety of convenient office locations. We make it easy for you to consult with an attorney after being involved in a truck accident in Las Vegas! We look forward to serving you and representing your rights.

FAQsAbout Las Vegas Spinal Cord Injury Cases

What Are Some Long-Term Impacts Of A Spinal Cord Injury?

These injuries often result in permanent disability, affecting mobility and sensation. Individuals with vertebrae injuries may require ongoing medical care, including surgeries, therapy, and assistive devices, throughout their lives. Additionally, these injuries can lead to financial challenges due to the substantial costs associated with medical treatment and necessary accommodations.

Beyond the physical and financial aspects, back injuries can also have profound emotional and psychological effects. Coping with the loss of independence, potential changes in relationships, and adapting to a different way of life can lead to emotional distress. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, rehabilitation specialists, and legal advocates is crucial for individuals and their families to navigate the long-term impact of spine injuries and secure the necessary resources for a fulfilling life.

What Is The Statute of Limitations For Spinal Cord Injury Claims In Nevada?

In Nevada, the statute of limitations for filing spinal cord injury claims can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Typically, personal injury claims must be filed within two years from the date of the injury or the date when the injury was discovered or should have reasonably been discovered.

However, it’s essential to consult with an experienced spinal cord injury attorney in Nevada to ensure compliance with the statute of limitations and to understand any potential exceptions or extensions that may apply to your particular situation. Failing to meet the statute of limitations can result in the loss of your right to pursue a legal claim for compensation.

What If My Spinal Cord Injury Was Caused By A Pre-Existing Medical Condition?

If your spinal cord injury was caused or aggravated by a pre-existing medical condition, it can add complexity to your legal claim. In such cases, it’s crucial to work with an experienced accident attorney who can assess the specific circumstances and determine the best course of action. Here are some key considerations:

Aggravation of Pre-Existing Condition: If your back injury worsened or was aggravated by an external event, such as an accident or medical malpractice, you may still be eligible for compensation. The responsible party can be held liable for the extent of the aggravation or any new injuries caused.

Causation Assessment: Establishing a clear link between the external event and the exacerbation of your pre-existing condition is vital. Medical experts and thorough documentation can help prove causation.

Damages Calculation: Damages in such cases may involve assessing the additional harm caused by the exacerbation of your pre-existing condition. This can include medical expenses, pain and suffering, and diminished quality of life.

Legal Expertise: Due to the complexity of these cases, seeking legal representation is essential. An attorney can evaluate the strength of your case, gather evidence, and advocate on your behalf to secure the compensation you deserve.

Remember that the outcome of such claims can vary based on the unique circumstances of each case, so consulting with a qualified attorney is crucial to understand your rights and options in seeking compensation for an injury related to a pre-existing medical condition.

How Long Does A Spinal Cord Case Typically Take To Resolve In Las Vegas?

The timeline for resolving a spinal cord injury case in Las Vegas can vary based on factors like case complexity, negotiation success, and court backlog. While some cases settle within months to a year through negotiations, litigation and trials can extend the process to one to two years or more. Court backlog and disputes can cause further delays. It’s vital to work with an experienced attorney who can provide a tailored timeline estimate and guide you through the legal process efficiently.

Can I Get A Back Injury Settlement Without Surgery?

Yes, it is possible to receive a back injury settlement without undergoing surgery. The extent of your settlement will depend on various factors, including the severity of your injury, the impact on your life, and the liability of the at-fault party. Settlements may cover medical expenses, rehabilitation, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related damages. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney can help you assess the potential value of your case and negotiate a fair settlement that addresses your specific needs and circumstances.

How Do I Prove Negligence In A Las Vegas Back Injury Case?

Proving negligence in a Las Vegas injury case involves establishing that the responsible party had a duty of care, breached that duty, and directly caused your injury. Here are the key steps:

Duty of Care: You must demonstrate that the at-fault party had a legal obligation to exercise reasonable care in preventing harm. This may include obeying traffic laws (in the case of a car accident) or maintaining safe premises (in a slip and fall incident).

Breach of Duty: You need to show that the responsible party failed to meet their duty of care by acting negligently or recklessly. This might involve providing evidence of negligent actions, such as distracted driving or inadequate property maintenance.

Causation: It’s crucial to establish a direct link between the at-fault party’s breach of duty and your spinal cord injury. Medical records, expert testimony, and accident reconstruction may be used to demonstrate causation.

Damages: Lastly, you must prove that you suffered actual damages as a result of the injury. These damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

To navigate the legal complexities and strengthen your case, seeking guidance from an experienced Las Vegas injury attorney is highly recommended. They can help gather evidence, consult experts, and build a strong case to establish negligence and secure the compensation you deserve.

Can Family Members Claim Compensation for a Loved One’s Spinal Cord Injury In Las Vegas?

Yes, family members can potentially claim compensation for a loved one’s spinal cord injury in Las Vegas, but it typically depends on the specific circumstances and the legal basis for their claim. Here are some avenues through which family members may seek compensation:

Loss of Consortium: Family members, such as spouses or children, may file a loss of consortium claim if they can demonstrate that the Paralysis injury has resulted in a loss of companionship, support, or intimacy within the family unit.

Caregiver Expenses: Family members who have taken on caregiving responsibilities for the injured individual may seek compensation for the expenses incurred in providing care, including medical and non-medical assistance.

Wrongful Death Claims: In cases where the spinal cord injury leads to the death of the injured person, surviving family members may pursue a wrongful death claim to seek compensation for funeral expenses, lost financial support, and emotional suffering.

To determine the viability of a family member’s compensation claim, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney in Las Vegas who can assess the specific circumstances of the case and provide guidance on the available legal options.

Can I Sue For A Spinal Cord Injury Caused By A Work-Related Accident In Las Vegas?

Yes, you can sue for an injury caused by a work-related accident in Las Vegas, but the process typically involves pursuing a workers’ compensation claim rather than a traditional personal injury lawsuit. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault insurance system that provides benefits to employees who are injured while performing job-related duties. Here’s how it works:

Workers’ Compensation: In Las Vegas, employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. If you suffer a spinal cord injury at work, you can file a workers’ compensation claim to receive benefits that cover medical expenses, rehabilitation, and a portion of your lost wages, regardless of who was at fault for the accident.

Limits on Lawsuits: In most cases, workers’ compensation is considered the exclusive remedy for workplace injuries, which means you cannot typically sue your employer or co-workers for personal injury damages. This system is designed to provide prompt and guaranteed benefits to injured workers without the need to prove fault.

Exceptions: There are some exceptions where you may be able to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in addition to a workers’ compensation claim. These exceptions typically involve cases where a third party, such as a contractor or equipment manufacturer, was responsible for the accident. In such instances, you may have the option to sue the third party for additional damages beyond what workers’ compensation covers.

To navigate the complexities of work-related injury claims in Las Vegas, it is advisable to consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. They can help you understand your rights, guide you through the claims process, and explore potential third-party liability if applicable.

Contact A Las Vegas Spinal Cord Attorney Today

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